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Duc Tu Nguyen

artist cv: http://dis-locate.net/cv/nguyenductu.pdf

ビデオ・サウンド・インターアクティブシステムに深い興味を持つアーティストです。さまざまの作品で実験的に新しい表現方法を調査します。DFuseという有名なオーディオビジュアルグルップとコラボレーションすることがあり、香港・フランス・オーストラリア・韓国で展覧会を行ったことがあります。ホ・チ・ミン・シティのアートシーンの代表的アーティストでSan ArtやGalerie Quynhという評価の高いギャラリーで作品をよく発表します。

Tu is a young artist who was educated at Hanoi Fine Art University where he studied graphic design. An artist of considerable energy he is interested in all forms of art but in particular audio/visual media art. He freely works across disciplines currently active as visual artist, graphic designer, photographer, VJ and a particular focus at the moment is television production, he produces a program each week for Vietnam MTV.

He is very excited by the possibilities offered by new media and very eager to explore these. The opportunity to collaborate with British audio/visual collective DFUSE in their British Council supported Re-imaging the City project has further inspired him to continue work in this field. He has also engaged in projects and collaborations with other international artists, including a residency project in Korea.

 His recent works include:

Pho  is a simple video animation displaying the letters Pho, but with the accents of the Vietnamese language constantly changing around them. Depending on these accents, the meaning of the letters changes, it can have up to 20 different meanings, this constant shift of meaning comments upon the need for variety of perspective. PingPong - A 3 way ping-pong game in which Tu plays against himself presented using large scale projection on the architectural surfaces of the city. Panorama presents a 360 interactive panorama of various sites in HCMC. Goodbye and Goodluck is an experimental video, featuring symbols of the pig, a sign of good luck and comments upon ideas of fate in traditional culture. He is also currently investigating documentary film and performance.