Suzi Tibbetts |
Having been brought up in the English countryside, I feel a certain sense of displacement within my new urban situation. My walk from home to the studio takes me through various experiences of the city. Quiet residential roads separate busy tourist streets such as Portobello Road and Notting Hill Gate and my commute continues through Kensington Gardens. For me, the medicine for coping with city life is this stage of walking through the park, where the urban sounds are dissolved for a time, almost totally replaced by relative silence, grass beneath my feet, open space and nature. I have created a sound piece that allows the listener to experience my own feeling of dislocation giving a sensation of being in-between the two environments, not quite integrated into either. Our acoustic environment is one we don’t usually listen to; it is only when we make a point of it that we do. In this piece I hope to raise awareness of specificity of our environment. It is also important to mention the relevance of the route recorded. This is a journey I walk each day in order to get to work. This piece has however transformed the passage to work into the work itself. Suzi のサウンドアート作品は、彼女の自宅と職場を結ぶロンドン中心部の道程へとオーディエンスを導く。イングランドの田舎に生まれ育った彼女が、都市部の生活に感じる違和感がそこでは表現されている。自らのアトリエへと続く彼女の通勤路で、ロンドンの街は様々な一面を覗かせる。閑静な住宅地を行く道はやがて観光地として賑わうPortobello Road 、Notthing Hillへと変わりKensington Gardensへと彼女を導く。「私が都会で暮らしていく上で不可欠なのが毎朝この公園を歩くことです。自然に囲まれながら広々とした芝生の上を歩いていると、少しの間だけ街の喧騒は遠くへと消えて、穏やかな静けさを感じることが出来ます。」彼女のサウンドによる作品は、二つの異なる環境の狭間で、そのどちらにも属することもない存在が抱く孤立感をオー ディエンスへと投げかける。
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