Gordon Savicic |
The project 'the pain of everyday life' is a city-intervention and a digital art performance addressing public and private space within the realm of everyday constraints. It resembles an urban interface for an invisible city, an architecture which is subconsciously perceived and which constantly oscillates as resonant landscape, consisting of electromagnetic waves. A chest strap (corset) with high torque servo motors and a WIFI-enabled game-console are worn as fetish object. The higher the wireless signal strength of close encrypted networks, the tighter the corset becomes. Closed network points improve the pleasurable play of tight lacing the performer's bustier. Thus, constituting the aether as a space of possible pregnancy, filled with potential access-points to the networks of communication. Everyday walks between home, work and leisure are recompiled into a /schizogeographic/ pain-map which is fetched from GoogleMaps servers with automated scripts. By wearing the straight-jacket, the artist not only writes, but is at once also able to read the city code. The outcome of his walk provokes an emergence of a city-shaped body. The map keeps not only tracks of all wireless networks along the route, but also the wearer's detournement when entering a very dense network place, a so called pleasurable pain zone. Therefore, the artist becomes the 21st century flaneur who balances along sensual perceived pain and the torture of everyday routes in a very special /Arcades/ /Game Project/. 「the pain of everyday life(日常生活における苦痛)」と題されたこのプロジェクトは都市干渉型のアートパフォーマンスであり、日常に溢れる多用な制約の中に存在する個人の/公共の空間を描き出す作品である。この作品を介し、日常において無意識にその存在を感じながらも目には見えない都市の風景、共鳴する電磁波が映し出す揺らめく風景との接触が行われる。ハイトルクサーボ・モーターとWi-Fi端末を内蔵したフェティッシュなコルセットは、周りを飛び交う電波のシグナルの出力に応じて着ている人間を締め付け、日常行き来する道を重層的な苦痛の地図へ と変換してゆく。しかし、この地図が描きだすのは電波の織り成すネットワークの姿だけではない。このコルセットを着る者が氾濫するネットワーク下で体験する、都市という場との対峙を喚 起する苦痛なのだ。
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