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Michael Najjar

The work series entitled "netropolis" is an exploration of the way global cities will develop in the future.

Of similar magnitude to the impact of the industrial revolu­tion in the late 19th century, it is now computer networks and the information society based on them which are the main vehicles for change, the key elements transforming the face of our urban living spaces. three main components characterise this transformation: space becomes the image of space, the city itself becomes a terminal as real space fuses with telematic space. in the telematic society material embodiment is further supplemented and extended by virtual representation: the so-called "tele-polis". telematic space endows the urban environment with a new form of structure, interming-ling with it and giving birth to a completely unprecedented form of urban space. the "netropolis" series of works portrays the megacities of berlin, beijing, dubai, hongkong, london, los angeles, mexico city, new york, paris, são paulo, shanghai and tokyo.

1. 現実空間がひとつのイメージとなり、都市はバーチャルな空間を介し様々な場所を結びつける存在となった。
2. 現代の情報社会では、物理的存在はバーチャルな世界を経由することで、より確かな存在感を獲得するようになった。
3. 都市構造はバーチャル・メディアの介入により、現実とバーチャルが複雑に絡み合った、これまでにない形へと変化を遂げた。