about + diary + artists + symposium + exhibition + workshop + submissions + dislocate07 + dislocate06 + contact
Sean Capone


'Lake' is an experimental sketchbook, created using imagery shot solely with a cellphone camera, and edited in collaboration with audio artist Caural (Zach Mastoon).
The idea of random urban wandering is called a derive, and was a method used by Surrealists to create abstract mappings of the city. The psycho-geographical traces were, in this case, obtained with my cellphone camera, which were uploaded to a laptop and digitally animated. The production method was a self-imposed challenge, intended as a reflection on the notion of the flaneur, or urban wanderer, who now potentially occupies the informational as well as physical space of the city environment. I am fascinated in the notion of the cellphone as a metaphor for the externalization of memory, as a tool for communication, information retrieval, and image-making. The soundtrack, while digitally sampled and manipulated, evokes an atmosphere of nostalgia, further emphasizing a fragmented (or dispersed) identity of the nomadic observer.
The imagery was shot in several different cities (and in-between places) over several months, with certain visual compositions inspired by passages from Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities: "Memory is redundant; it repeats signs so that the city can begin to exist."

L a k e」は実験的スケッチブックで、携帯電話のカメラで撮影した写真と、C a u r a lZ a c hMastoon)の生み出すサウンドとのコラボレーション作品である。「derive(抽出)」と名付けられた無作為な都市探索は、超現実派が都市の姿を抽象的手法で描く際に用いた手法である。このプロジェクトでは、携帯電話に搭載されたカメラによって心理的・地理的痕跡の収集が行われ、撮影された画像はラップトップへアップロードされ、デジタルアニメーションとして加工される。この制作手段は自らに課したタスクという一面を持ち、現代の都市環境を情報と物質の両方において支配しつつある怠惰性、遊民性を象徴している。携帯電話が持つ、いくつかの特性は非常に興味深い。それは記憶の外面化を暗喩する存在であり、また同時にコミュ ニケーション、情報の回収、画像作製のシンボルでもある。
